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JSW Management Board: Salary raises for the staff will be implemented as of 1 July 2021 in spite of objections by representative trade unions.

JSW: We all give first aid. We train all those interested.

– We launched free first aid training for all interested employees of the JSW Group and residents of our region, because safety and health are the most important to us – says Barbara Piontek, President of the JSW SA Management Board – The course is held using the…

JSW for Children

5:4 is the result of the exciting game organized by JSW between the winning children’s team which took on the team of JSW employees in Jastrzębie-Zdrój. Both teams were supported by the players from the fellow GKS Jastrzębie football club.

Safety first

The JSW Foundation supports the fire brigade. The effects of this support are already visible. Jastrzębie firefighters received a modernized command center, and volunteers - specialized equipment and clothing. Today in Jastrzębie-Zdrój - during the symbolic Fireman's…

JSW Group: We organize first aid training

Starting from 1 June 2021 we invite everyone interested in participating in a free first aid training course.

Aktualności JSW SAJSW: We are launching the construction of battery no. 4 in the Przyjaźń Coking Plant

– We have closed the tender to select the contractor to build the ceramic block with equipment. We are launching the project – informs Barbara Piontek, President of the Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. Management Board – Construction of battery no. 4 in the Przyjaźń…

JSW is making up for losses

- We are experiencing a clear increase in demand for the JSW Group’s products. After months of stagnation, the economy is beginning to pick up momentum, which is a very promising sign for our company - emphasizes Barbara Piontek, President of the JSW SA Management…

Aktualności JSW SAInternet broadcast of the results of the JSW Capital Group for the Q1 2021

The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. has the pleasure of inviting you to watch the Internet broadcast of the financial results of the JSW Group for the Q1 2021 which will take place on May 21, 2021 (Friday) at 12:00 (CET).

JSW S.A. joins the “Two Hours for Family” international social campaign – for all those interested!

On Saturday, 15 May 2021, the whole world celebrates the International Day of Families. It is an opportunity to give special thought to our closest relatives and devote time to them. The JSW Management Board adopted a resolution on two hours off work for all interested…

We support future Champions of Poland

– Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa supports sport and this way invests in the professional future of youths. In the Talent Academy we jointly train the future generations of Champions of Poland in volleyball – said Jarosław Jędrysek, Vice-President of the JSW S.A. Management…